Saturday, July 11, 2009

Db4o Object Manager Rcp 1.0.0 released

Db4o Object Manager RCP version 1.0.0 released

Today I have released the first DOMR(Db4o Object Manager RCP) release at the project site. I include two platform version in the release: win32.win32.x86 and linux.gtk.x86. I have tested the win32 version, but not the linux version. If there is some bug, please fire a bug issue here.. In fact, it is easy to export 16 platform versions under eclipse. If some bodies like to provide some tests work, please also fire a bug issue here. I'd like to provide new platform version.

The current DOMR is based on the OMJ svn codes.  I just mainly fixed a little irrational UI flow(I think^_^). Some codes I've seen are not written in a good style. So my modification is not very elegant as well. But, it works:)

As the project page said, It will be a lightweight, standalone db4o object management tool. For the time-limiting, I may foucs on the bug-fixing work. If you have found bugs, don't hesitate to submit issue here. It is my pleasure to fix it for you:)

However, I hope this project will go into its own way in the future. I'm considering to do more clean work to the current code base. And there are some potential directions in the DOMR, such as more professional Eclipse-integrated UI, db4o-java code generation. graphical db4o visualization, db4o DSL. If some ones in the community have interesting in this project, you can drop a email to me. I will add your account to the project member list, then you can contribute to the code base:)


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